I hear the complaint all the time, “ that is not in my job description.” People look at jobs as how to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money. They may even resent the owner of the business because he or she is making money. The fact is that people should look at their job as a business that they own and so they should step up and contribute when they can.

Today while I was working on my sleep studies from this weekend the marketing and owner came up to me and asked me to write an advertising article for a local newspaper and I had a two hours to complete it. It was challenging but I was able to get it done and working with the marketers we had a great product to put in the paper.

These little extra activities that help the business also helps me because I am helping to make the business grow and that gives me more job security. It also gives me new and interesting experiences that I can use in the future.

It also helps me be a more valuable employee. That little extra step allows me to know that I have so much more to contribute. It also shows me that there are skills that I possess that go far beyond sleep and management. Skills that I can put toward outside interests and teaching.


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