One of the biggest predictors of burnout is how much sleep you’re getting. How many of us can say we stayed late at work to complete? We do our day, and we have dinner and then get back on the computer just to answer a couple of emails and then go down the rabbit hole. You look up and it is 1am. Now you try to go to bed but your mind is going over the day and the to do list for tomorrow. If this happens too often this could be leading you to the road to burn out.

Studies including the one included in this article show that one of the leading causes of burnout is chronic sleep deprivation and spending too much time thinking about work demands leads to burn out.

Can you take a few moments to find one small change you can make today to help you balance your work and your life?

#burnout #burnoutprevention #sleep #sleepcoach #wellness #burnoutrecovery


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