
We talk about living healthier, exercising and eating whole foods.  We still do not take sleep and a sleep routine seriously.  We are still looking for the instant pill or the idea that will say that less sleep is better.  What the studies say is that poor sleep contributes to health issues across the board. 

·         The studies that lead to contribution to colon, prostate and breast cancer all involve both sleep deprivation and sleep disorders that prevent sound sleep.  These to conditions can be helped with therapy and possible treatment of a sleep disorder.

·         Studies have shown that children have difficulty learning and learning proper behavior due to poor sleep, lack of sleep and snoring.  We really do need to teach our children and teens that sleep is as important to health and good grades as studying.

·         Studies have proved that we still only help 20% of those with sleep disorders.  However that does not include the family that was affected by the disorder.  If husband or wife cannot sleep because of loud snoring, leg movements or acting out dreams than you have more than one person affected and we need to consider all who are affected as patients.  Sometimes the treatment may be time and space.

·         Weight and sleep are interconnected.  This is the vicious cycle the higher your weight the worse sleep disorder breathing will be, the worse the sleep disorder breathing the more difficult the body has at maintaining weight. 

With all those issues you would think insurance companies and doctors would be asking more sleep questions and explaining proper sleep.  The issue is they are not educated in the importance of proper sleep.  In fact if you look at a medical student’s time you will see they do not live what they preach.  This is a time where you need to take control.  You need to go to your doctor with written questions, maybe a three to four day diary with symptoms. 

Explain your desire to not just take a pill but to truly fix the problem and you may get some strong feedback.  Doctors like to know a straight ahead question they can fix and that would be a sleep disorder. 

The change has to start with an informed patient or at the very least a patient with relevant questions.  This way we are able to work with the insurance company.  Our goal ultimately is to get a good night sleep with the least amount of medication.  I believe we can achieve that if we work as a team.


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